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53 Associations of the psychosocial work environment factors with the mental health disorders in nursing profession
  1. T Freimann,
  2. Merisalu,
  3. Lünekund
  1. University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia


Objective This study examined the associations of work environment factors with the mental health disorders in nursing profession.

Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out among registered nurses in the Tartu University Hospital. The electronic questionnaire was sent to all 906 full staff nurses working in hospital. The Estonian translation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, version II (COPSOQ II) was used to measure psychosocial work environment dimensions and mental health disorders. Data were analysed using the SPSS version 18 and Statistical Software R. Descriptive statistics was used to assess means and standard deviations for psychosocial risk factors and mental health disorders. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to observe relationships between risk factors and mental health disorders. The results were summarised by OR-s with 95% CI-s.

Results A total 404 questionnaires (45%) were used in the analysis. The average age of the study group was 40.2 years (SD 10.8) and most of respondents were women (98.3%). The mental health indicators showed relatively high average values of burnout and stress among nurses. High average scores of positive work characteristics (meaning of work, role clarity, social relationships at work and mutual trust between employees) in a 100 point scale were detected. High average scores were measured also on the negative work characteristics as work-family conflict, work pace, emotional and cognitive demands. The increased risk for mental health disorders was caused by work-family conflict, above-average quantitative and emotional demands and other factors. Risk for mental health disorders was decreased by above-average justice and respect, commitment to the workplace, job satisfaction and other factors.

Conclusions Our study confirmed that there are strong relationship between psychosocial risk factors and mental disorders. The present study refers to the urgent need for preventive strategies to reduce the psychosocial stress factors as the main causes of mental health problems.

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