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Objectives Fibrex database can be described as a board giving a correspondence between jobs and quantitative indications of occupational exposure to one or several noxious fibres. The objective of this present work is to propose a municipal index of asbestos exposure and finally map it by crossing the Fibrex database with activity sectors data of the French national institute for statistics and economic studies (INSEE) at a city scale in a northern Paris’ suburb.
Method Fibrex database consists of more than 10 000 data of occupational exposure to organic or inorganic fibres from natural or artificial origins. It allows a focus on asbestos fibres by giving a median value of exposure to that carcinogenic substance within a given activity sector. Knowing the distribution of the workforces by activity sectors and associating the median values of exposures of the considerate work, it is possible to envisage an exposure score at a city scale.
Results The calculated score proposes a partial but original view of the potential exposure to asbestos by territorial unit in the end of 90’s. The use of city-scale data allows bringing to light the territorial heterogeneity of occupational exposures to asbestos in a Paris’ suburb.
Conclusions This contribution shows an original use of an occupational exposure database ending in a city-scale mapping.