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P089 An example of evaluation of a specific collective syndrome
  1. Chahrazed Kandouci,
  2. Miloud Mahi,
  3. Baderdine Abdelkrim Kandouci
  1. Research Laboratory in Environment and Health, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algeria


Objective The objective of this work is to determine the symptoms of Sick Building Syndrom(SBS), and highlight the riskf factors for onset of SBS

Methodology Descriptive cross-sectional syudy was conducted from March to May 2011, which concerned 14 bank branches in the city of Sidi Bel-Abbes which employs 222 workers; based on a self-administred questionnaire predetermined; standardised and validated by INRS.

Results and discussion Response rate of 70%; the survey reported a prevalence of symptoms that may be related to an SBS for more than 85%, with irritation symptoms mucocutaneous ranging from 18-68% depending on the location.

It is found that many employees find their work environment uncomfortable and complaining mainly of high temperature, air quality, too low light and noise when the gene is the one in the room and sometimes the noise outside.

For a significant number of employees, arelationship is (subjectively) between the disorder and the workplace.

The influence of gender, position held, age, seniority is noted in the room; by against smoking does not appear to have a significant role.

Conclusion To eliminate the problem of Sick Building Syndrom (SBS), the most widely adopted approach is based on the assumption that it is improving all the factors of the work situation will prevent many complaints of the type SBS thanks to the slogan “ventilate, maintain and clean”.

Tags: Sick Building Syndrom, bank employees, Sidi Bel-Abbes.

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