Table 2

A linear mixed model with industry as the random effect to explore impact on the number of calendar days a person is away from work due to a mild traumatic brain injury

EstimateSET valueP value
Workplace violence (WPV)0.123290.067841.8480.0646
Job class0.063460.031312.0270.0427
Coexisting conditions−0.650950.05469−11.902<0.001
  • WPV was categorised as 0 if absent and 1 if present; age was categorised as 18–30, 31–40, 41–50 or 51–65 years; income was categorised as US$0–25 000, US$25 001–50 000, US$50 001–75 000 or US$75 001+; job class was categorised as 0 if sedentary or light work, 1 if medium work and 2 if heavy or very heavy work; rural/urban was categorised as 0 if rural and 1 if urban; sex was categorised as 0 if female and 1 if male; and coexisting conditions were categorised as 0 for none, 1 for one to four and 2 for five or more coexisting conditions.