Table 1

Workers’ compensation claims for COVID-19 by industry group in Victoria, Australia from 1 January 2020 to 31 July 2022

VariablesHealthcare and social assistanceOther industriesTotal
n (Column % of original)n (Column % of original)n (Column % of original)
All COVID-19-related claims1318 (100.0)1995 (100.0)3313 (100.0)
 Direct COVID-19 infection claims843 (64.0)794 (39.8)1637 (49.4)
 Indirect COVID-19 claims*475 (36.0)1201 (60.2)1676 (50.6)
Accepted claims only1124 (85.3)1491 (74.7)2615 (78.9)
Accepted claims for COVID-19 infection or mental disorder936 (71.0)1018 (51.0)1954 (59.0)
Accepted time-loss claims for COVID-19 infection†789 (59.9)703 (35.2)1492 (45.0)
Accepted and closed time-loss claims for COVID-19 infection‡504 (38.2)244 (12.2)748 (22.6)
  • *Indirect COVID-19 claims, for example, for testing for COVID-19 or musculoskeletal disorders from handling a person with COVID-19, were not included in the analysis.

  • †Sample for majority of analysis. All accepted claims for COVID-19 infection were time-loss claims.

  • ‡Sample for continuous outcome measures.