Table 2

Characteristics of the included non-RCTs

Author, year, countrySickness absence duration prior to the interventionFollow-upIntervention(s)Comparator(s)Sample size, dropoutsDifference in RTW between intervention(s) and comparator
Grossi and Santell,28 2009, Sweden1–3 years5 yearsCare as usual+group rehabilitation programme+individual rehabilitation meetingsCare as usualn=24, n=0n.s.
Karlson et al, 29 30 2010+2014, Sweden2–6 months2010:
18 months
30 months
Care as usual+convergence dialogue meetingCare as usual2010: n=148, n=18
2014: n=136, n=12
  • n.s., non-significant; RCTs, randomised controlled trials; RTW, return to work; s., significant.