Table 1

Actuarial life table, by cohort and veteran status

Veteran statusInterval (years)Had an outpatient MH visit during the interval (n)Censored during the interval (n)Effective sample sizeConditional probability of an outpatient MH visit in the intervalProbability of not having had an outpatient MH visit at the start of the intervalProbability of having had an outpatient MH visit at the start of the interval
Cohort 1 (matched on age and sex)
Veterans0, 14831211830 700.00.1571.0000.000
1, 22113153324 043.50.0880.8430.157
2, 31416121520 556.50.0690.7690.231
3, 41033108417 991.00.0570.7160.284
4, 591278516 023.50.0570.6750.325
5+014 7197359.50.0000.6360.364
Civilians0, 117 5773856125 085.00.1411.0000.000
1, 280975332102 914.00.0790.8600.140
2, 36007490189 700.50.0670.7920.208
3, 44653479078 848.00.0590.7390.261
4, 53858362469 988.00.0550.6950.305
5+064 31832 159.00.0000.6570.343
Cohort 2 (matched on age, sex and region of residence)
Veterans0, 14777150829 921.00.1601.0000.000
1, 22074148323 648.50.0880.8400.160
2, 31401119920 233.50.0690.7670.233
3, 41025105517 705.50.0580.7140.286
4, 589877815 764.00.0570.6720.328
5+014 4777238.50.0000.6340.366
Civilians0, 118 2033605120 857.50.1511.0000.000
1, 28081528298 211.00.0820.8490.151
2, 35872471085 134.00.0690.7800.220
3, 44515473274 541.00.0610.7260.274
4, 53543369965 810.50.0540.6820.318
5+060 41830 209.00.0000.6450.355
Cohort 3 (matched on age, sex, region of residence and neighbourhood median income quintile)*
Veterans0, 14757150229 825.00.1601.0000.000
1, 22068147923 577.50.0880.8400.160
2, 31399119820 171.00.0690.7670.233
3, 41019104917 648.50.0580.7140.286
4, 589877415 718.00.0570.6720.328
5+014 4337216.50.0000.6340.366
Civilians0, 115 2613686120 444.00.1271.0000.000
1, 277535412100 634.00.0770.8730.127
2, 35690486287 744.00.0650.8060.194
3, 44665486177 192.50.0600.7540.246
4, 53635370868 243.00.0530.7080.292
5+062 75431 377.50.0000.6710.329
  • *Cohort 3 also excludes civilians with a history of long-term care/rehabilitation stay and/or receipt of disability/income support payments.

  • MH, mental health.