Table 4

Length of employment (in years) in workplaces handling hazardous chemicals and risk of cancer among men* in a hospital-based case–control study, Japan, 2005–2019

Cancer siteLength (years)N of exposed casesCategorical cumulative exposureContinuous cumulative exposure (5-year increase)
OR(95% CI)OR(95% CI)
All cancers1–103630.86(0.75 to 0.97)1.01(1.01 to 1.02)
11–205051.00(0.89 to 1.12)
21+3 6311.09(1.04 to 1.13)
Lung1–10571.75(1.19 to 2.56)1.08(1.07 to 1.10)
11–20801.71(1.23 to 2.36)
21+5871.91(1.68 to 2.17)
Oesophagus1–1081.12(0.45 to 2.83)1.08(1.03 to 1.12)
11–20141.55(0.76 to 3.16)
21+951.72(1.24 to 2.39)
Stomach1–10510.81(0.58 to 1.13)1.01(1.00 to 1.03)
11–20710.95(0.71 to 1.27)
21+5961.09(0.98 to 1.22)
Colorectal1–10620.95(0.70 to 1.30)1.00(0.98 to 1.01)
11–20851.26(0.95 to 1.67)
21+4850.96(0.85 to 1.08)
Liver1–10170.82(0.45 to 1.47)0.99(0.96 to 1.01)
11–20260.87(0.52 to 1.45)
21+1970.93(0.77 to 1.14)
Biliary tract1–1020.52(0.11 to 2.47)1.01(0.97 to 1.07)
11–20101.03(0.47 to 2.23)
21+561.02(0.70 to 1.50)
Pancreas1–1091.60(0.66 to 3.87)1.09(1.05 to 1.14)
11–20152.46(1.17 to 5.19)
21+911.74(1.26 to 2.39)
Bladder1–10231.03(0.61 to 1.74)1.04(1.02 to 1.07)
11–20301.64(1.00 to 2.69)
21+2241.39(1.15 to 1.69)
  • *ORs and 95% CIs were calculated by conditional logistic regression with multiple imputation, matched for age categories (5-year categories), hospital (34 hospitals) and year of admission (1-year) with additional adjustment for smoking status, alcohol consumption status and longest occupation held (the reference for categorical cumulative exposure was never exposed).