Table 1

Demographic characteristics of health workers in the two tertiary hospitals

Demographic characteristicsOverallSAH n (%)TAH n (%)P value (χ2 test)
Participants (n) 697 344 353
Age (years) (median (IQR))42 (32–51)46 (33–51)39 (31–51)0.009*
Gender (%F:M)77:2384:1671:29<0.001
BMI (median (IQR))29 (26–34)31 (27–37)28 (25–32)<0.001*
Smoking status: n (%)<0.001
 Current smokers42 (6)40 (12)2 (1)
 Ex-smokers48 (7)48 (14)0 (0)
 Never smokers607 (87)256 (74)351 (99)
Job title: n (%)<0.001
 Registered nurse283 (41)132 (38)151 (43)
 Nurse assistant/health attendant168 (24)59 (17)109 (31)
 Enrolled nurse75 (11)48 (14)27 (8)
 Cleaner85 (12)45 (13)40 (11)
 Clerk38 (5)13 (4)25 (7)
 Technician34 (5)33 (10)1 (0)
 Porter14 (2)14 (4)0 (0)
Total years in healthcare industry (median (IQR))14 (6–28)20 (8–28)11 (4–27)<0.001*
Family history of allergy353 (51)219 (64)134 (38)<0.001
Atopy (positive phadiatop test)296 (43)160 (47)136 (40)0.047
Allergic sensitisation to latex (Hev b5 or Hev b6.02)11 (2)7 (2)4 (1)0.352
 Latex Hev b53 (0)3 (1)0 (0)0.122†
 Latex Hev b6.028 (1)4 (1)4 (1)1.000†
  • *Wilcoxon sum rank test.

  • †Fisher’s exact test.

  • BMI, body mass index; F, female; M, male; SAH, South African hospital; TAH, Tanzanian hospital.