Table 2

Association between cancer incidence and employment in workplaces handling hazardous chemicals more than 1 year in a hospital-based case–control study, Japan, 2005–2019

Cancer siteICD-10 codeCasesControlsModel 1*Model 2†Model 3‡
OR(95% CI)OR(95% CI)OR(95% CI)
All cancersC00–C99120 278217 6051.09(1.05 to 1.13)1.08(1.04 to 1.12)1.05(1.01 to 1.10)
LungC3414 43728 8582.08(1.86 to 2.33)1.99(1.78 to 2.24)1.87(1.66 to 2.11)
OesophagusC15330666121.78(1.34 to 2.37)1.66(1.23 to 2.22)1.63(1.21 to 2.21)
StomachC1619 46238 9201.09(0.99 to 1.21)1.08(0.98 to 1.19)1.05(0.95 to 1.16)
ColorectalC18–C2018 19636 3811.01(0.91 to 1.12)1.00(0.90 to 1.11)0.99(0.89 to 1.10)
LiverC22695813 9110.95(0.80 to 1.13)0.92(0.77 to 1.11)0.92(0.77 to 1.10)
Biliary tractC23–C24246949331.06(0.75 to 1.50)1.04(0.74 to 1.47)0.99(0.70 to 1.41)
PancreasC25356671301.71(1.28 to 2.26)1.84(1.38 to 2.46)1.80(1.35 to 2.41)
BladderC67739714 7861.41(1.19 to 1.67)1.41(1.18 to 1.67)1.38(1.16 to 1.65)
  • *Model 1 (M1) was conditional logistic regression with multiple imputation, matched for age categories (5-year categories), hospital (34 hospitals) and admitted year (1-year).

  • †Model 2 (M2) was adjusted for M1 plus smoking and alcohol consumption status.

  • ‡Model 3 (M3) was adjusted for M2 plus the longest occupation held.

  • ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision.