Age | 55 467 | | 45.2 | 11.4 |
Sex | | | | |
Men | 26 768 | 48.3 | | |
Women | 28 699 | 51.7 | | |
Educational level | | | | |
Low (basic schooling) | 8239 | 14.9 | | |
Middle-low (upper secondary school and vocational education) | 24 180 | 43.6 | | |
Middle-high (short and intermediate higher education) | 16 061 | 29.0 | | |
High (long higher education) | 6987 | 12.6 | | |
Job group | | | | |
Managers | 2915 | 5.3 | | |
Professionals | 17 452 | 31.5 | | |
Technicians and associate professionals | 7543 | 13.6 | | |
General office clerks | 5029 | 9.1 | | |
Personal services workers | 8191 | 14.8 | | |
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers | 349 | 0.6 | | |
Building and related trades workers | 4532 | 8.2 | | |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 3131 | 5.6 | | |
Elementary occupations and unknown job group | 6325 | 11.4 | | |
Wave of the Work Environment and Health in Denmark-study | | | | |
2012 | 21 069 | 38.0 | | |
2014 | 14 780 | 26.6 | | |
2016 | 19 618 | 35.4 | | |