Table 1

Self-reported general and workplace cannabis use among all respondents before (time 1) and after (time 2) the legalisation of cannabis for non-medical purposes

Time 1 (before legalisation)Time 2 (after legalisation)Unadj.
P value*
P value*†
%95% CI%95% CI
Cannabis use status<0.0001<0.0001
 Never used29.227.131.327.626.029.3
 Used >12 months ago40.438.242.533.031.334.7
 Used ≤12 months ago30.428.332.539.337.541.2
Past-year frequency of cannabis use0.09950.0267
 Not daily use93.091.994.292.090.993.0
 Daily or almost daily use7.
Past-year cannabis use before and/or at work0.64460.4580
Past-year cannabis use:
Within 2 hours before work8.
At lunch or on other breaks0.18420.5388
While working (excluding breaks)0.19270.4759
After work at the workplace
  • *P values correspond to the results of an F test testing the hypothesis of equal marginal means for the main effect of time (comparing time 1 with time 2 weighted for non-response).

  • †Adjusted for survey mode, age, sex, province, education, smoking, alcohol, general health status, hazardous work, workplace size, work hours, tenure, workshift schedule, job permanence, and industry.

  • Adj, adjusted; Unadj, unadjusted.