Table 2

Regression results, coefficient of Routine Task Intensity index of 2003 occupation

Model w/o controlsModel with controlsSibling modelModel w/o controlsModel with controlsSibling model
Dependent variable
 Employment per 100, 2018−2.8−2.0−1.5−5.0−2.1−1.6
(−3.5 to –2.1)(−2.3 to –1.6)(−1.8 to –1.2)(−6.9 to –3.1)(−3.2 to –1.0)(−2.3 to –0.9)
 Disability per 100, 20183.
(2.5 to 4.1)(1.5 to 2.4)(1.2 to 2.0)(3.2 to 7.4)(0.6 to 3.4)(0.7 to 2.6)
 Mortality per 1000, 20194.
(3.2 to 5.6)(1.8 to 3.0)(1.2 to 3.6)(1.7 to 4.9)(0.2 to 2.4)(−0.1 to 2.9)
Observations416 003416 003186 369376 413376 413158 524
Number of families83 71571 647
Control variablesNoneAge, education, civil status, childlessAge, education, civil status, childless, family fixed effectsNoneAge, education, civil status, childlessAge, education, civil status, childless, family fixed effects
  • Table entries give change in dependent variable from a 1 SD increase in the Routine Task Intensity (RTI) index of 2003 occupation. Higher RTI scores reflect a greater susceptibility to the effects of automation and globalisation. 95% CIs are reported in brackets; SEs are clustered within occupations. Models in columns (2), (3), (5) and (6) include indicator variables for 20 ages and 13 levels of educational attainment, as well as indicator variables for single status and childlessness in 2003. Employment and disability outcomes are conditional on survival until 2019.