Table 3

Results from the exploratory analyses* of birth defects associated with maternal occupations as a nail technician with frequent work† or combination nail technician-hairdresser in comparison with non-cosmetologist during pregnancy, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997–2011

Birth defectNail technicians with frequent work†Combination nail technician-hairdressers
nOR95% CInOR95% CI
Congenital heart defects
Any heart defect142.21.0 to to 2.7
 RVOTO43.61.1 to 11.8NR
  Pulmonary valve stenosis33.91.0 to 15.0NR
 Septal defects62.91.0 to 8.3NR
  Atrial septal defect32.50.7 to 9.3NR
Non-heart defects
Neural tube defects42.90.9 to 9.6NR
Oral cleftsNR104.21.5 to 11.5
 Cleft palateNR45.21.5 to 18.6
 Cleft lip w/wo cleft palateNR63.91.2 to 12.0
  Cleft lip with cleft palateNR55.31.6 to 17.3
  • *Controlling for mother’s smoking status, age at delivery (in continuous years), education level and race/ethnicity.

  • †Nail technicians working 20 hours per week or more and at least 60 days during early pregnancy.

  • NR, not reportable based on n<3; RVOTO, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; w/wo, with or without.