Table 2

Adjusted associations* between birth defects and maternal occupation as a nail technician or hairdresser in comparison with non-cosmetologist during pregnancy, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997–2011

Birth defectHairdressers†Nail technicians
nOR95% CInOR95% CI
Congenital heart defects
Any heart defect260.80.5 to 1.2192.71.3 to 5.9
 Conotruncal defects50.70.3 to 1.653.01.0 to 8.8
  Tetralogy of Fallot30.70.2 to to 12.9
 LVOTO50.80.3 to 2.0NR
 RVOTO61.00.4 to 2.343.21.0 to 10.4
  Pulmonary valve stenosis61.20.5 to 2.933.50.9 to 12.9
 Septal defects90.80.4 to 1.573.11.2 to 8.1
  Atrial septal defect71.00.4 to to 9.6
Non-heart defects
Neural tube defects70.90.4 to to 8.4
 Anencephaly and craniorachischisis31.40.4 to 4.5NR
 Spina bifida40.80.3 to 2.4NR
Anotia/microtia32.10.6 to 6.9NR
Oral clefts211.20.7 to 2.1NR
 Cleft palate30.50.2 to 1.7NR
 Cleft lip w/wo cleft palate181.71.0 to 2.9NR
  Cleft lip with cleft palate132.01.1 to 3.7NR
  Cleft lip without cleft palate51.20.5 to 3.1NR
Hypospadias151.40.7 to 2.6NR
Limb deficiency41.00.4 to 2.9NR
Craniosynostosis71.20.5 to 2.7NR
Diaphragmatic hernia31.10.4 to 3.7NR
Gastroschisis71.70.7 to 3.9NR
  • *Controlling for mother’s smoking status, age at delivery (in continuous years), education level and race/ethnicity.

  • †Excluding hairdressers with indirect nail product exposure.

  • LVOTO, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction; NR, not reportable based on n<3; RVOTO, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; w/wo, with or without.