Table 1

Distribution of covariates among hairdressers, nail technicians and non-cosmetologists, National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997–2011

CovariateHairdressers (n=196)*Nail technicians (n=61)Non-cosmetologists (n=42 810)
n (%)†‡n (%)†‡n (%)†‡
Study site
 Arkansas28 (14.3)NR5649 (13.2)
 California8 (4.1)8 (13.1)5141 (12.0)
 Georgia30 (15.3)8 (13.1)4760 (11.1)
 Iowa13 (6.6)5 (8.2)4197 (9.8)
 Massachusetts41 (20.9)10 (16.4)5258 (12.3)
 New Jersey15 (7.7)9 (14.8)2184 (5.1)
 New York16 (8.2)4 (6.6)3092 (7.2)
 North Carolina18 (9.2)NR3356 (7.8)
 Texas13 (6.6)6 (9.8)4740 (11.1)
 Utah14 (7.1)9 (14.8)4433 (10.4)
Smoking status in early pregnancy
 No150 (76.5)54 (88.5)34 118 (80.4)
 Any46 (23.5)7 (11.5)8310 (19.6)
Age at delivery
 Years (mean, SD)29.1 (5.6)28.9 (4.6)27.7 (6.2)
 <35 years159 (81.1)56 (91.8)36 445 (85.1)
>35 years37 (18.9)5 (8.2)6365 (14.9)
Prepregnancy body mass index
 Underweight5 (2.6)5 (8.2)2223 (5.4)
 Normal weight98 (50.8)32 (52.5)21 119 (51.6)
 Overweight52 (26.9)16 (26.2)9356 (22.9)
 Obesity38 (19.7)8 (13.1)8195 (20.0)
Education level at delivery
 No high school degree12 (6.1)3 (4.9)7364 (17.4)
 High school degree51 (26.0)16 (26.2)10 679 (25.2)
 Some college123 (62.8)31 (50.8)11 378 (26.9)
 College degree or higher10 (5.1)11 (18.0)12 897 (30.5)
Maternal race/ethnicity
 Non-Hispanic white133 (67.9)38 (62.3)25 061 (58.6)
 Non-Hispanic black28 (14.3)NR4414 (10.3)
 Hispanic26 (13.3)8 (13.1)10 454 (24.4)
 Asian/Pacific Islander4 (2.0)11 (18.0)1210 (2.8)
 Other5 (2.6)NR1664 (3.9)
  • *Excluding hairdressers with indirect nail product exposure.

  • †Estimates shown as n (%) except where indicated otherwise (ie, age in years).

  • ‡Frequencies may not add up to sample totals where there are missing values (<5% missing for all variables in each exposure category).

  • NR, not reportable based on n<3.