Table 3

Coefficient of interaction term between Routine Task Intensity index of 2003 occupation and educational attainment

Dependent variableEmployment per 100, 2018Disability per 100, 2018Mortality per 1000, 2019
(0.2 to 0.5)(0.2 to 0.4)(−0.6 to –0.3)(−0.5 to –0.3)(−0.9 to –0.3)(−0.9 to 0.0)
(0.1 to 0.8)(−0.0 to 0.4)(−0.9 to –0.1)(−0.5 to 0.0)(−0.7 to –0.1)(−0.6 to 0.4)
Control variablesRTI, education, age, civil status, childlessRTI, education, age, civil status, childless, family fixed effectsRTI, education, age, civil status, childlessRTI, education, age, civil status, childless, family fixed effectsRTI, education, age, civil status, childlessRTI, education, age, civil status, childless, family fixed effects
  • Table entries give coefficient of the interaction term between education and the Routine Task Intensity index of 2003 occupation. 95% CIs are reported in brackets; SEs are clustered within occupations. See also table 2 for observation counts and further detail on model specifications.

  • RTI, Routine Task Intensity.