Table 1

Characteristics of included articles and journals ranked according to mean reporting quality

JournalTotal # articles (RCTs/cRCTs)Impact factor 2017*CONSORT requirement†Mean reporting quality (%) (95 % CI)
Medycyna Pracy1 (1/0)0.6No0 (–)
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health‡1 (0/1)1.2No‡0 (–)
Occupational Medicine2 (1/1)1.5No0 (–)
Toxicology & Industrial Health1 (1/0)1.3Yes0 (–)
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health2 (2/0)1.4No12.5 (−12.2 to 37.2)
American Journal of Industrial Medicine4 (4/0)1.7No12.5 (−12.2 to 37.2)
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine37 (29/8)1.4No17.6 (11.0 to 24.2)
Journal of Occupational Health11 (8/3)1.3No31.8 (16.4 to 47.2)
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health15 (9/6)2.1Yes38.3 (24.4 to 52.3)
Industrial Health5 (3/2)1.1No42.5 (13.7 to 71.3)
Scandinavian Journal of Work. Environment & Health31 (20/11)2.8Yes50.4 (39.7 to 61.1)
Annals of work Exposure and Health§1 (0/1)1.6No62.5 (–)
Occupational and Environmental Medicine24 (17/7)4Yes65.1 (51.2 to 79.0)
All journals (N=13)135 (95/40)37.4 (31.9 to 43.0)
  • *As of June 2020

  • †Instructions to authors require authors to comply with CONSORT statement or checklist.

  • ‡Gone out of print.

  • §Previously Annals of Occupational Hygiene.

  • CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; cRCTs, cluster randomised controlled trials; RCTs, randomised controlled trials.