Table 1

Number of employed, active workers in the lockdown phase, risk class of SARS-CoV-2 infection and compensation claims applications by economic sector in Italy

CodeEconomic sector (first digit ATECO classification)Employed
Active workers during the lockdown (thousands)Average risk classCompensation claims applications for COVID-19 (%)
AAgriculture, forestry and fishing908.8854.1L2.1
BMining and quarrying24.79.7L0.0
DElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply114.1114.1L0.1
EWater supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities242.8242.8L0.1
GWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles3286.51804.1L1.1
HTransportation and storage1142.71142.7L1.1
IAccommodation and food service activities1480.2317.6L2.4
JInformation and communication618.1618.1L0.2
KFinancial and insurance activities635.6635.6L0.2
LReal estate activities164.00.0 *L0.4
MProfessional, scientific and technical activities1516.41438.4L1.1
NAdministrative and support service activities1027.9662.9L4.1
OPublic administration and defence; compulsory social security1242.61242.6MH10.4
QHuman health and social work activities1922.31922.3H71.6
RArts, entertainment and recreation318.20.0*ML0.3
SOther service activities711.6280.8ML1.4
TActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use738.9733.3MH0.0
UActivities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies14.10.0*L0.0
Total23 359.915 576.329 320 (100%)
  • Sources: Employed and active workers during the lockdown period data have been retrieved by Istat (Italian Institute of Statistics); average risk class by economic sectors (Italian Scientific Committee) as stated in Methods section; compensation claims by Inail (Italian Workers Compensation Authority).

  • *Economic activity in this sector was completely suspended during the pandemic lockdown.

  • H, high; L, low; MH, medium-high; ML, medium-low.