Table 2

Median concentrations of urinary PAH metabolites for study groups

PAH metaboliteControlsChimney sweepsCreosote-exposed workers
n Median Min Max n * Median Min Max P value n * Median Min Max P value
1-OH-Phe (µg/g crea.)
 All participants151 0.14 0.0162.3148 0.23 0.0321.7<0.001§ 19 19 5.161<0.001§
 Smokers24 0.21 0.0740.7327 0.30 0.0440.670.0523 27 20290.005
 Party/former smokers44 0.15 0.0300.8549 0.28 0.0531.7<0.0016 16 529<0.001
 Never smokers83 0.12 0.0162.371 0.18 0.0321.3<0.0019 14 655<0.001
∑2-,3-OH-Phe (µg/g crea.)
 All participants151 0.11 0.0272.7148 0.37 0.0484.6<0.001§ 19 35 1192<0.001§
 Smokers24 0.27 0.0411.327 0.50 0.0802.10.0043 49 41490.005
 Party/ former smokers44 0.11 0.0440.6249 0.42 0.0554.6<0.0016 24 1149<0.001
 Never smokers83 0.10 0.0272.771 0.31 0.0483.1<0.0019 28 1392<0.001
4-OH-Phe (ng/g crea.)
 All participants151 15 2.695148 27 3.8304<0.001§ 19 1051 2939780<0.001§
 Smokers24 40 7.69527 46 6.41520.4623 961 75911440.005
 Party/ former smokers44 16 2.89249 30 3.8304<0.0016 1186 2937513<0.001
 Never smokers83 13 2.65871 20 4.4175<0.0019 1051 3009780<0.001
∑OH-Phe (µg/g crea.)
 All participants151 0.27 0.0705.1148 0.64 0.0866.6<0.001§ 19 51 19138<0.001§
 Smokers24 0.50 0.132.127 0.88 78 62780.005
 Party/ former smokers44 0.28 0.121.149 0.71 0.126.6<0.0016 44 1972<0.001
 Never smokers83 0.23 0.0705.171 0.54 0.0864.3<0.0019 42 19138<0.001
∑OH-Flu (µg/g crea.)
 All participants151 0.15 0.0423.8148 0.32 0.0634.3<0.001§ 19 53 27128<0.001§
 Smokers24 1.4 0.213.827 1.5 79 711180.005
 Party/ former smokers44 0.15 0.0730.8249 0.39 0.0664.3<0.0016 46 4270<0.001
 Never smokers83 0.13 0.0420.7871 0.20 0.0631.9<0.0019 38 27100<0.001
  • *There was one participant with missing smoking status.

  • †General linear model comparing controls with chimney sweeps adjusted for age.

  • ‡General linear model comparing controls with creosote-exposed workers adjusted for age.

  • §Further adjusted for smoking.

  • ∑OH-Flu, sum of 2-hydroxyfluorene and 3-hydroxyfluorene; ∑OH-Phe, sum of 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, 2-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-hydroxyphenanthrene and 4-hydroxyphenanthrene; ∑2-,3-OH-Phe, sum of 2-hydroxyphenanthrene and 3-hydroxyphenanthrene; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.