Table 1

Global occupation-attributable deaths, DALYs and PAFs by risk factor and sex, 2016 (number, per cent and proportion (95% uncertainty interval))

Males† Females Total %‡ Males Females Total Males Females Total
Carcinogens274 17574 566348 74122.85 560 4181 639 4327 199 8509.
(215 339–333 928)(60 870–89 775)(282 253–414 071)(4 375 804–6 734 491)(1 312 494–2 017 294)(5 813 091–8 641 244)(3.6–5.5)(1.5–2.2)(2.7–4.0)
PMGF+SHS¶343 122116 958460 08030.07 969 9862 717 96710 687 95314.021.110.616.9
(270 900–422 000)(87 100–153 300)(381 500–551 300)(6 518 000–9 469 200)(2 143 400–3 328 600)(9 019 900–12 517 000)(17.4–24.8)(8.5–12.9)(14.3–19.7)
Injury risk factors301 04331 508332 55021.718 799 9042 632 72521 432 62928.
(289 315–313 036)(29 829–33 125)(320 989–344 650)(17 168 108–20 722 961)(2 241 086–3 117 772)(19 461 136–23 891 462)(10.2–11.1)(3.1–3.7)(8.1–8.7)
Asthmagens26 10311 47137 5742.51 468 347871 1332 339 4803.
(17 900–35 300)(8700–15 200)(28 400–47 900)(1 141 200–1 874 300)(666 100–1 109 600)(1 860 900–2 923 300)(11.5–14.3)(6.3–8.0)(9.0–10.7)
Pneumoconioses18 997249121 4881.4518 91758 060576 9770.
(15 500–22 700)(2100–3200)(17 900–25 400)(439 900–611 300)(49 400–70 700)(493 600–673 500)
SHS (excluding cancer and COPD**)222 933109 065331 99821.77 622 5933 685 84311 308 43614.9
(147 461–304 921)(68 890–152 887)(216 952–455 510)(4 850 498–10 571 425)(2 202 327–5 270 793)(7 041 695–15 788 968)
Ergonomic risk factors0008 463 9137 016 01815 479 93220.332.522.226.8
(5 874 618–11 346 133)(4 844 189–9 423 787)(10 733 369–20 772 446)(30.4–34.5)(20.5–24.1)(25.0–28.8)
Noise0004 711 5572 396 7207 108 2779.325.113.719.6
(3 294 182–6 488 167)(1 680 298–3 296 175)(4 978 557–9 802 692)(23.2–26.9)(12.8–14.8)(18.2–21.1)
Total1 186 372346 0581 532 431100.055 115 65221 017 90676 133 558100.
(1 066 502–1 311 010)(299 889–398 048)(1 387 905–1 684 933)(48 614 027–61 653 859)(17 388 026–24 953 299)(66 277 451–86 347 358)(4.0–4.5)(1.7–2.1)(3.0–3.4)
  • *PAFs (%) based on DALYs.

  • †The numbers in parentheses are the 95% uncertainty interval.

  • ‡Percentage of deaths due to occupational risk factors that were due to this risk factor.

  • §Percentage of DALYs due to occupational risk factors that were due to this risk factor.

  • ¶Particulate matter, gases and fumes (PMGF) and secondhand smoke (SHS) causing COPD.

  • **Diseases caused by SHS, excluding cancer and COPD.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DALY, disability-adjusted life year; PAF, population attributable fraction.