Table 1

Exposure-modifying factors used in the pesticide exposure algorithm

VariableExposure-modifying factorsExposure directionExposure routeExposed/protected body areaDeterministic exposure scoresReferences
MIX Mixing of pesticide formulation(s) with waterIncreaseWhole bodyIncrease in exposure if mixing pesticides5 6
APPLICATION Manual handheld knapsack sprayersIncreaseWhole bodyIncrease in exposure if applying pesticides8 6
PPE Personal protective equipment (PPE)DecreaseUsed during pesticide handling: application and mixing1 to 0.14 Table 2
CHANGE Changing clothes after applicationDecreaseNext day, many hours later, few hours later, immediately1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 3
SHOWER Showering after applicationDecreaseNext day, many hours later, few hours later, immediately1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 3