Table 3

Association of between long working hour injuries occurring nine or more hours into a shift and adverse health outcomes

Outcome variableOR (95% CI)P-value
Incident resulted in fatal injury to worker
 Crude model1.48 (1.32 to 1.65)<0.001
 Adjusted model*1.32 (1.18 to 1.48)<0.001
Incidents resulting in injuries to two or more workers
 Crude model1.81 (1.66 to 1.98)<0.001
 Adjusted model†1.73 (1.58 to 1.89)<0.001
  • Logistic regression models based on all reported injuries to MSHA Part 50  Program in USA: 1983–2015.

  • *Adjusted for year of accident, sex, age, total years of experience in current mine <2 years, apprentice/trainee, employed by a contractor, canvass or class of commodity mined and number of employees at mine.

  • †Adjusted for year of accident, sex, total years of experience in current mine <2 years, employed by a contractor, canvass or class of commodity mined, not working at their primary occupation/job/role at time of injury, injury occurred offsite and number of employees at mine.

  • MSHA, Mine Safety and Health Administratio n