Table 4

Summary of industry and occupation groups selected a priori expected to be at high risk

 Metal minesSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust, nickel+**+***++.
 Non-metal minesSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust, radon+***+*xx
 Quarries/sand pitsSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust++***++***xx
 Rubber products industriesDust/fumes/chemicals from rubber productionNull..+.
 Iron/steel millsSilica, PAHs+**+.+.
 Iron foundriesSilica, PAHs+***+**xx
 Smelting/refiningCadmium, arsenic, nickel+.+.xx
 Non-metallic mineral productsSilica+***+***+.
 General contractorsSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust+***+***Null.
 Special-trade contractorsSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust+***Null.+*
 TransportationDiesel exhaust+***+***+.
 Blacksmithing/welding shopsWelding fumes+*+.xx
 BartendersEnvironmental tobacco smoke++***+.+++***
 Waiters, hostesses, stewardsEnvironmental tobacco smokeNull**Null.
 Other mining/quarryingSilica, asbestos, radon++***++***+++***
 Mineral ore treatingSilica, asbestos, radon++**+*xx
 Metal smelting, converting, refiningCadmium, arsenic, nickel+.+.xx
 Clay, glass, stone processing/formingSilica+***+**+.
 Welding/flame cuttingWelding fumes+**+.+.
 Boilermakers, platers, structural metal workersAsbestos++***++***xx
  Painting/decoratingPaint pigments, filaments, resin+***+.+++***
 Construction tradesSilica, asbestos, diesel exhaust+***+**++***
 Railway transport operatingDiesel exhaust+*+.xx
 Bus driversDiesel exhaust+**+*+*
 Truck driversDiesel exhaust+***+***+***
 Stationary engine/utilities equipmentDiesel exhaust+***+**xx
  • Association scale based on HRs  −−−<0.50, −−0.50–0.66, −0.67–0.94, Null 0.95–1.04, +1.05–1.49, ++1.50–1.99, +++>2.00.

  • Probability scale based on p values. Not significant. *<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.0001.

  • x, data not provided as they were under reporting threshold of >5 cases.

  • PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.