Study centre0
Socioeconomic status8
Smoking status15
 Never smoker92655.1
 Current smoker59835.6
Current occupation0
 Job seeking774.5
 Not working due to poor health60.4
 Parental leave241.4
Occupational exposure to sensitising agents0
 Never worked39923.5
 Only no risk jobs55832.9
 At least one low risk job33019.5
 At least one high risk job40824.1
Spray use*27
 No use34120.4
 Low use65339.1
Medium use53532.1
 High use1398.3
Disinfectant use*131
 No use131083.8
 Low/medium use1278.1
 High use1278.1
  • *No use: composite score=0; low use: score between 1 and the median; medium use: score between the median and the 90th percentile; high use: score above the 90th percentile.