Table 1

Methods and data used in two studies of Vermont granite workers

Attfield and Costello*Vacek et al
Cohort size54087052
Eligibility criteriaMaleMale
Employed 1950–1982Employed 1947–1998
X-rayed by DIH
Follow-upThrough 1994Through 2004
Lung cancer deaths208359
Ascertainment of vital statusVermont vital recordsNDI search
DIH listing of deathsSSA vital status search
Social Security death indexQuebec vital records search
Current employee listingsVermont vital records
Current pension recipient listingsSS death index
Personal contactsObituary and genealogy websites
Data sourcesDIH surveillance programme recordsDIH surveillance programme records
Group insurance records
Pension records
Other studies4–6
Job-exposure matrixModification of Davis et alVerma et al
Dust measurements conversion1 mppcf=0.0075 mg/m3 silica1 mppcf=0.010 mg/m3 silica
Exposure–response analysisPoisson regressionConditional logistic regression
  • *Based on data collected and compiled by Graham et al.2

  • DIH, Division of Industrial Hygiene; mppcf, millions of particles per cubic foot; NDI, National Death Index; SS, Social Security; SSA, Social Security Administration.