Table 3

Characteristics of the sick leave trajectories and results of univariate multinomial regression analysis

CharacteristicsUnivariable multinomial regression analysis*
OR (95% CI)
Sick leave class of: variables‘Low risk’
‘Intermediate risk’
‘High risk’
‘Intermediate risk’
‘High risk’
Individual characteristics
 Age (years) (18–64), median (range)44 (18–64)40 (19–58)44 (18–59)
  Aged over 43 years0.50 (0.33 to 0.76)1.01 (0.55 to 1.89)
 Male, n (%)177 (48,4)55 (45.1)21 (46.7)1.22 (0.81 to 1.84)1.07 (0.58 to 1.99)
 Educational level* n (%)a,
  Low102 (27.7)49 (40.2)14 (31.1)2.22 (1.30 to 3.78)1.27 (0.58 to 2.78)
  Medium135 (37.1)45 (36.9)17 (37.8)1.52 (0.90 to 2.59)1.15 (0.55 to 2.43)
  High128 (35.2)28 (23.0)14 (31.1)refref
Complaint characteristics
 Duration of the complaint, n (%)a:
  0–6 weeks187 (51.4)70 (57.4)17 (37.8)refref
  6 weeks–3 months87 (23.9)27 (22.1)11 (24.4)0.83 (0.50 to 1.38)1.39 (0.63 to 3.10)
  >3 months91 (24.7)25 (20,5)17 (37.8)0.74 (0.44 to 1.25)2.08 (1.01 to 4.26)
 Trauma arm, neck or shoulder in the past, n (%)62 (17.0)19 (15.6)14 (31.1)0.90 (0.52 to 1.58)2.21 (1.11 to 4.39)
 Comorbidity musculoskeletal, n (%)a150 (41.1)64 (52.5) 32 (71.1)1.58 (1.05 to 2.39)3.53 (1.79 to 6.95)
 Comorbidity non-musculoskeletal, n (%)a,63 (17.3)21 (17.2)13 (28.9)1.00 (0.58 to 1.72)1.95 (0.97 to 3.92)
 Recurrent complaint, n (%)84 (23.0)35 (28.7)25 (55.6)1.35 (0.85 to 2.14)4.18 (2.21 to 7.90)
 Region with most complaints, n (%)
  Neck or upper back or shoulder or upper arm226 (61.6)82 (67.2)30 (66.7)refref
  Elbow, forearm, wrist or hand95 (26)22 (18)5 (11.1)0.64 (0.38 to 1.08)0.40 (0.15 to 1.05)
  Both regions45 (12.4)18 (14.8)10 (22.2)1.10 (0.60 to 2.01)1.67 (0.76 to 3.67)
 Specific diagnosis vs non-specific diagnosis, n (%)231 (63,5)58 (47.5)21 (46.7)0.52 (0.35 to 0.79)0.51 (0.27 to 0.94)
 Poor general health†, SF-12, 1st question, n (%)a20 (5,5)20 (16.4)10 (22.2)3.38 (1.75 to 6.53)4.93 (2.14 to 11.36)
 Complaint severity last week (0–10), mean (SD)a5.45 (2.0)6.4 (1.9)6.2 (2.1)1.29 (1.16 to 1.45)1.22 (1.04 to 1.44)
 Functional limitations, DASH (0–100), mean (SD)32.0 (17.1)43.7 (18.6)44.7 (18.6)1.04 (1.02 to 1.05)1.04 (1.02 to 1.06)
Lifestyle characteristics
 Body mass index (kg/m2), n (%)b
  <25177 (48,6)61 (50,0)26 (57.8)refref
  25–30 (overweight)147 (40,4)49 (40,2)14 (31.1)0.97 (0.63 to 1.49)0.65 (0.33 to 1.29)
  >30 (obese)40 (11,0)12 (9,8)5 (11.1)0.87 (0.43 to 1.77)0.85 (0.31 to 2.35)
 Sports participation, n (%)186 (51.0)47 (38,5)18 (40.0)0.60 (0.40 to 0.92)0.64 (0.34 to 1.21)
Psychosocial characteristics
 Somatisation, 4DSQ‡ (0–48), n (%)a
  Low (0–10)295 (80.8)82 (67.2)24 (53.3)refRef
  Middle (11–20)65 (17.8)35 (28.7)14 (31.1)1.94 (1.20 to 3.13)2.65 (1.30 to 5.39)
  High (21–32)5 (1.4)5 (4.1)7 (15.6)3.60 (1.02 to 12.73)17.21 (5.08 to 58.34)
 Distress, 4 DSQ‡ (0–48), n (%)a
  Low (0–10)251 (68.8)63 (51.6)17 (37.8)refRef
  Middle (11–20)88 (24.1)38 (31.1)14 (31.1)1.72 (1.08 to 2.75)2.35 (1.11 to 4.96)
  High (21–32)25 (6.8)21 (17.2)14 (31.1)3.35 (1.76 to 6.36)8.23 (3.65 to 18.74)
 Social support, SOS§ (12–60), median (range) a58 (27–60)57 (28–60)55 (29–60)
  Low, score<571.15 (0.77 to 1.74)2.16 (1.14 to 4.12)
 Catastrophising, CPV (0–60)¶, median (range)b9 (0–53)9 (0–48)9 (0–36)
  High, score>91.63 (1.08 to 2.47)2.87 (1.48 to 5.58)
 Kinesiophobia, TAMPA-AV (13–52)**, median (range)b24 (13–39)26 (15–46)27 (13–42)
  High, score >241.85 (1.22 to 2.80)2.33 (1.22 to 4.43)
 Low health locus of control††, n (%)141 (38.6)51 (41.8)22 (48.9)1.14 (0.75 to 1.73)1.52 (0.82 to 2.83)
Physical work characteristics
 Full-time work, n (%)b212 (58.1)72 (59.0)26 (57.8)0.98 (0.64 to 1.48)1.03 (0.55 to 1.92)
 Less than 5 years working in current job, n (%)101 (27.7)39 (32.0)16 (35.6)1.23 (0.79 to 1.92)1.44 (0.75 to 2.77)
 Work-related complaints, n (%)c223 (61.1)108 (88.5)41 (91.1)5.65 (3.00 to 10.64)6.44 (2.26 to 18.36)
 Physical workload, PWQ‡‡
 Heavy physical load (0–100), median (range)a,
score >19.0
16.7 (0–89)31.9 (0–89)30.6 (0–75)
2.39 (1.55 to 3.69)
 1.62 (0.86 to 3.04)
 Static repetitive load (0–100), median (range)d
 High static repetitive load, score >41.7
33.3 (0–100)50 (0–100)50 (0–100)
1.79 (1.17 to 2.74)

2.24 (1.15 to 4.35)
Psychosocial work characteristics, JCQ§§
 Quantitative job demands (12–48), median (range)a
 high demands, score >30
30.0 (12–46)32 (12–46)30 (20–48)1.70 (1.12 to 2.57)0.84 (0.45 to 1.58)
 Decision authority  (12–48), median (range)b36 (12–48)36 (12–48)36 (16–48)
  Low decision authority, score<361.70 (1.11 to 2.60)1.23 (0.63 to 2.38)
 Skill discretion (0–48), median  (range)a15 (5–20)15 (5–20)15 (8–20)
  Low skill discretion, score <151.34 (0.88 to 2.03)0.81 (0.42 to 1.58)
 Supervisor support (4–16), median (range)e12 (4–16)11 (4–16)11 (4–15)
  Low supervisor support, score <121.30 (0.86 to 1.98)1.61 (0.85 to 3.05)
 Coworker support  (4–16), median (range)f12 (4–16)12.0 (8–16)12 (4–16)
  Low coworker support, score <121.72 (1.07 to 2.77)2.93 (1.52 to 5.65)
 Job insecurity, yes n (%)d43 (11.9)17 (14.0)6 (13.3)1.21 (0.66 to 2.21)1.14 (0.46 to 2.85)
  • Significant univariable odds ratios are given in bold. *The low risk group is the reference group for the multinomial regression analysis. Cut-off points are defined by median score of the total population. Number of missings: a1 missing; b2 missings, c4 missings, d5 missings, e25 missings, f22 missings. DASH=disability of arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire  (0 (no disability) to 100 (completely disabled)).30

  • †Perceived health=1st question of the SF-12 recoded into ‘good’ (‘excellent’, ‘very good’, ‘good’) and ‘poor’ (‘fair’ or ‘poor’).31

  • ‡4DSQ=Four Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (0–32).32

  • §SOS=Social Support Scale, a Dutch version of the ‘Social Support Questionnaire’ (SSQ) (12–60).33

  • ¶CSQ=Catastrophising: subscale of the Dutch adaptation of the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (0–60).34

  • **TSK-AV=Tampa scale of kinesiophobia, short version without the 4 reversed items (13–52).35

  • ††Health locus of control=assessed by one question ‘Do you believe you can influence your health through your behaviour?’ scored on a 4-point Likert scale. The scores ‘considerable’ or ‘to a large extent’ were considered as ‘high health locus of control’.

  • ‡‡PWQ=physical load at work questionnaire ((0 no workload) to 100 (highest workload)).36

  • §§JCQ=Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), Dutch translation.37 Educational level: low=no education/primary school or lower vocational school; medium=lower or higher general secondary school level or middle vocational school); high=higher vocational school or university.