Table 1

Baseline demographic and metabolic risk characteristics of male and female mining company employees

CharacteristicTotal (N=15 580)Males (n=15 021)Females (n=559)
Age, years, %*
 Mean (SD)36.3 (7.4)36.4 (7.4)33.4 (6.8)
Duration of employment, years, mean (SD)9.2 (4.0)9.3 (4.0)8.1 (3.8)
Serum total cholesterol range, mg/dL, %†
 Normal (<190)58.558.556.4
 Raised (190–240)33.333.334.0
 High (240+)
 Mean (SD)183.9 (40.4)183.8 (40.4)187.0 (40.9)
Fasting blood glucose range, mg/dL, %‡
 Normal (70.2–100)90.089.894.7
 Impaired (101–125)
 Raised (>125)
 Mean (SD)87.1 (20.8)87.3 (20.8)82.5 (18.0)
SBP range, mm Hg, %§
 Normal (<120)52.352.060.1
 Prehypertensive (120–139)42.342.537.6
 Stage 1 hypertensive (140–159)
 Stage 2 hypertensive (160–179)
 Hypertensive emergency (180+)0.20.20
 Mean (SD)113.9 (12.9)113.9 (13.0)111.9 (11.3)
DBP range, mm Hg, %§
 Normal (<80)55.554.775.5
 Prehypertensive (80–89)33.333.819.3
 Stage 1 hypertensive (90–99)
 Stage 2 hypertensive (100–109)
 Hypertensive emergency (110+)
 Mean (SD)74.9 (9.4)75.0 (9.4)71.9 (8.6)
Raised blood pressure, % (SBP≥140 mm Hg and/or DBP≥90 mm Hg)11.912.15.5
Body mass index range, kg/m2, %¶
 Underweight (<18.5)
 Normal (18.5–24.9)
 Overweight (25–29.9)34.134.329.5
 Moderately obese (30–34.9)
 Severely obese (35–39.9)
 Very severely obese (40+)
 Mean (SD)24.5 (3.6)24.5 (3.6)24.6 (4.3)
  • *Baseline data on age were missing for 55 participants.

  • †Baseline data on serum total cholesterol were missing for 449 participants.

  • ‡Baseline data on fasting blood glucose were missing for 604 participants.

  • §Baseline data on blood pressure were missing for 36 participants.

  • ¶Baseline data on body mass index were missing for 34 participants.

  • DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.