TableĀ 3

Unadjusted injury rates by physical demand and heat exposure category, psychological demand and job control tertile per 100 person-years

First aid injury and MSD
Serious injury, and MSD
First aid MSD only
Serious MSD only
n (rate)n (rate)n (rate)n (rate)
Sedentary/light physical demand287 (10.28)92 (3.30)99 (3.55)36 (1.29)
Medium physical demand963 (13.34)275 (3.81)331 (4.58)94 (1.30)
Heavy/very heavy physical810 (15.52)291 (5.57)317 (6.07)134 (2.57)
Never exposed to heat492 (9.56)191 (3.71)142 (2.76)69 (1.34)
Exposed to heat <half the time1044 (13.43)317 (4.08)395 (5.08)141 (1.81)
Exposed to heat >half the time524 (22.67)150 (6.49)210 (9.09)54 (2.34)
Low psychological demand609 (11.92)192 (3.76)222 (5.01)77 (1.51)
Moderate psychological demand721 (13.64)224 (4.24)256 (4.82)96 (1.82)
High psychological demand730 (15.08)242 (5.00)269 (5.50)91 (1.88)
High job control614 (11.82)202 (3.89)233 (4.49)74 (1.43)
Moderate job control709 (15.33)195 (4.22)269 (5.82)85 (1.84)
Low job control737 (13.61)261 (4.82)245 (4.52)105 (1.94)
  • MSD, musculoskeletal disorder.