Table 2

Guideline characteristics related to the development of the guideline (Guideline Committee, Target users, Presentation of the guideline and the Evidence level of the recommendations)

GuidelineGuideline committeeTarget usersPresentationEvidence base
1. The Netherlands (2007)Multidisciplinary: occupational physicians, psychologistsOccupational physicianGuideline document: revised version of guideline from 2000; background document, summaryComprehensive literature search, weighing of the evidence based on type and quality of studies
2. The Netherlands (2011)Multidisciplinary: General practice, Occupational medicine, psychologyGeneral practitioners, occupational physicians and psychologistsGuideline documentComprehensive literature search, weighing of the evidence based on type and quality of studies
3. The Netherlands (2011)Multidisciplinary: Occupational physicians, Insurance physicians, job coach, researcher, psychologist, psychiatrist, representatives of patients ‘association(Care and occupational) professionals involved in the vocational rehabilitation of patients with (severe) mental illnessesConcept version of Guideline documentComprehensive literature search, weighing of the evidence based on type and quality of studies
4. The Netherlands (2011)Multidisciplinary: General practice, Occupational medicine, psychologyGeneral practitioners, occupational physicians and psychologistsPublication in Journal. Revised version of publication from 2005Recommendations are based on the multidisciplinary guideline ‘Adjustment disorders and burnout’ (ie, guideline 5)
5. The Netherlands (2006)Multidisciplinary: Occupational Physicians, psychologist, (medical) advisors, Insurance PhysicianOccupational healthcare professionals, such as OPs, psychologists, occupational nurses and social workersGuideline document: Revised version of guideline from 2004Recommendations are based on literature and consensus. No explicit information about search strategies, weighing of evidence and/or links between literature and recommendations
6. The Netherlands (2003)Multidisciplinary: Occupational Physicians, social worker, Work- and organization expertOccupational healthcare professionalsGuideline documentRecommendations are based on literature and good practices. No explicit information about search strategies, weighing of evidence and/or links between literature and recommendations
7. The Netherlands (2005)Monodisciplinary: psychologistsPsychologistsGuideline document; background document; practical guide of psychologistsRecommendations are based on literature and good practices. No explicit information about search strategies, weighing of evidence and/or links between literature and recommendations
8. The UK (2008)Multidisciplinary: Occupational medicine, psychiatry, Health promotion, Department of health, Mental healthNHS managers and occupational health professionalsGuideline document. Revised version of guideline from 2002Unknown if recommendations are based on literature. No explicit information about search strategies, weighing of evidence and/or links between literature and recommendations
9. The UK (2005)Multidisciplinary: Researchers, Occupational health physicians, Psychiatrists, GPs, Managers, Health and Safety specialists, Disability rights specialists, Rehabilitation providersManagers, occupational health professionals and other interested parties in making management decisionsEvidence review and recommendations; leaflet for Health professionals; leaflet for employers and employeesComprehensive literature search, weighing of the evidence based on type and quality of the study (3-star system)
10. Japan (2009)Multidisciplinary: occupational physicians, lawyer, union member, government officer occupational health nurse, psychiatrist, researchers, health and safety expertRelevant actors at the workplace (eg, Occupational physician, management, supervisor, human resource personnel)Guideline document.
Revised version of guideline from 2004
Recommendations are based on professional discussion. No information about search strategies, weighing of evidence and/or links between literature and recommendations
11. Finland (2009)Multidisciplinary: occupational health physicians, psychiatristsProfessionals in OHS (physicians, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists and others)Electronic guideline documentRecommendations are based on literature search. There is limited information provided on search strategies, weighing of evidence and links between literature and recommendations
12. Finland (2010)Multidisciplinary: occupational health physicians, nurses and psychologistsOccupational health physicians and nursesElectronic guideline documentRecommendations are based on literature search. There is limited information provided on search strategies, weighing of evidence and links between literature and recommendations
13. Republic of Korea (2011)Multidisciplinary: psychiatrists, occupational physicians, psychologists, government officers, occupational health and safety expertsRelevant managers and personnel at the workplace (eg, supervisors, occupational health professionals, human resources personnel, physicians)Guideline document. First editionRecommendations are based on literature search. No information on the search strategies is stated in the guideline. Weighing of evidence based on the quality of studies and feasibility
14. Republic of Korea (2011)Multidisciplinary: psychiatrists, occupational physicians, psychologists, government officers, occupational health and safety expertsRelevant managers and personnel at the workplace (eg, supervisors, occupational health professionals, human resources personnel, physicians)Guideline document. First editionRecommendations are based on literature search. No information on the search strategies is stated in the guideline. Weighing of evidence based on the quality of studies and feasibility
  • LESA, Landelijke Eerstelijns Samenwerkings Afspraak (National Primary Care Collaboration Agreement).