Table 2

Descriptive statistics at baseline and distribution of individual-level covariates and job-level exposures by tertile of physical demand, psychological demand and job control for 9260 persons who worked in 11 722 person-jobs 2004–2005

Full cohort at baselinePhysical demandPsychological demandJob control
9260 persons11 722 Person-jobs11 722 Person-jobs11 722 Person-jobs
N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)
Person-jobs11 722 (100)3953 (100)5549 (100)2220 (100)3801 (100)3916 (100)4005 (100)3460 (100)3667 (100)4595 (100)
Age (years), mean (SD)45.9 (10.3)43.6 (11.2)45.8 (10.0)45.5 (9.4)43.7 (10.7)46.4 (10.3)44.8 (9.9)48.6 (9.3)45.2 (10.4)42.0 (10.2)
Tenure (years), mean (SD)17.0 (12.3)14.7 (13.0)16.3 (12.0)16.5 (11.4)14.4 (11.8)18.0 (12.8)15.1 (11.8)19.7 (12.3)16.4 (12.5)12.5 (11.1)
Male sex8314 (90)3681 (93)4828 (87)1952 (88)3434 (90)3569 (91)3458 (86)3102 (90)3316 (90)4043 (88)
Race/ethnicity (white)7999 (86)3426 (87)4838 (87)1808 (81)3291 (87)3494 (89)3287 (82)3007 (87)3129 (85)3936 (86)
Job tenure <1 year2486 (27)1441 (36)1998 (36)901 (41)1468 (39)1366 (35)1506 (38)927 (27)1424 (39)1989 (43)
Physical demand
 Heavy/very heavy3320 (36)...920 (24)1993 (51)1040 (26)952 (27)1348 (37)1653 (36)
 Medium4286 (46)...2164 (57)1258 (32)2127 (53)1674 (48)1671 (45)2204 (48)
 Sedentary/light1654 (18)...717 (19)665 (17)838 (21)834 (24)648 (18)738 (16)
Psychological demand
 High2989 (32) 920 (23)2164 (39)717 (32)...1492 (43)1111 (30)1198 (26)
 Moderate3226 (35)1993 (51)1258 (23)665 (30)...1352 (39)1219 (33)1345 (29)
 Low3045 (33) 1040 (26)2127 (38)838 (38)...616 (18)1337 (36)2052 (45)
Job control
 High2952 (32) 952 (24)1674 (30)834 (38)1492 (39)1352 (35) 616 (15)...
 Moderate2896 (31)1348 (34)1671 (30)648 (29)1111 (29)1219 (31)1337 (33)...
 Low3412 (37)1653 (42)2204 (40)738 (33)1198 (31)1345 (34)2052 (51)...
 Almost always1632 (18)1369 (35) 552 (10)185 (8)1244 (33) 560 (14) 302 (7) 307 (9) 883 (24) 916 (20)
 Up to half the time4518 (49)1734 (44)3084 (56) 890 (40)1706 (45)2168 (55)1835 (46)2277 (66)2108 (57)1323 (29)
 Never3110 (33)850 (21)1913 (34)1145 (52) 852 (22)1188 (30)1868 (47) 878 (25) 676 (18)2356 (51)