Table 3

Job changes according to asthma and asthma characteristics, among women employed in OR, ER or inpatient unit, Nurses’ Health Study II

   Age adjustedMultivariable*
 Person-yearsn Event (move to jobs with lower disinfectant exposure)HR95% CIHR95% CI
Job changes over 1991–2011, among nurses in OR, ER or inpatient unit in 1989, n=45 537
Asthma before 1989
 No623 16629 33011
 Yes31 27016321.131.07 to to 1.18
Job changes over 2001–2011, among nurses in OR, ER or inpatient unit in 1997, n=20 047
Asthma before 1997
 No207 53310 27011
 Yes23 43012551.101.04 to to 1.17
 Asthma without allergy224711711
 Asthma with allergy17 2239221.040.86 to to 1.28
Latex allergy†
 Asthma without latex allergy18 56199011
 Asthma with latex allergy1026561.060.81 to 1.391.080.83 to 1.43
Asthma severity‡
 Mild persistent70963751.130.95 to 1.331.130.96 to 1.34
 Moderate persistent46122571.271.05 to 1.531.261.04 to 1.52
 Severe persistent737501.501.04 to 2.171.501.03 to 2.17
  • Results in bold are statistically significant.

  • *Adjusted for age, smoking status, body mass index, race and ethnicity.

  • †Evaluated in 2001.

  • ‡Evaluated in 1998 and/or 2003.

  • ER, emergency room; OR, operating room.