Table 1

Worker characteristics per study group

CharacteristicsSHARP (n=80)CAU (n=78)
Sociodemographic characteristics
 Age (years)41.3(9.4)43.3(9.8)
 Male, n (%)27(33.8)38(48.7)
 Marital status (married/living together), n (%)67(83.8)60(76.9)
 Breadwinner (yes), n (%)40(50.0)49(62.8)
 Education level, n (%)
  Low6 (7.5)13(16.7)
Clinical characteristics
 ICD diagnosis by OP, n (%)
  F32.9 Depressive episode, unspecified4 (5.0)12 (15.4)
  F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified0(0.0)2(2.6)
  F43.2 Adjustment disorders58(72.5)39(50.0)
  F43.9 Reaction to severe stress, unspecified1(1.25)0(0.0)
  R45 Symptoms and signs involving emotional state7(8.75)14(17.9)
  Z73.0 Burn-out2(2.5)7(9.0)
Work-related characteristics
 Type of occupation, n (%)
  Commercial service providers23(28.8)11(14.1)
  Administrative staff19(23.8)12(15.4)
  ICT staff4(5.0)4(5.1)
  Sales staff2(2.5)5(6.4)
  Healthcare providers12(15.0)12(15.4)
  Hotel and catering staff3(3.8)0(0.0)
  Stock and/or transport staff1(1.3)11(14.1)
 Employment (hours per week)32.6(7.0)32.9(7.3)
 Irregular work (eg, shift work), n (%)6(7.5)10(12.8)
 Executive/manager responsibilities, n (%)23(28.8)21(26.9)
 WRFQ-Total score66.9(15.5)61.0(20.0)
 RTW %48.7(32.2)43.1(27.2)
 Duration of sickness absence130.9(94.2)99.3(66.1)
 Decision latitude (0–100)69.8(9.6)65.3(10.7)
Health-related characteristics
  • Data are mean (SD), unless stated otherwise.

  • 4DSQ, Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire; CAU, care as usual; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; ICT, Information and Communication Technology; M, mean; OP, occupational physician; RTW, return to work; SHARP, Stimulating Healthy participation And Relapse Prevention; WRFQ, Work Role Functioning Questionnaire.