Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the cohort by fire department and combined (1950–2009)

DescriptionAll fire departmentsSan FranciscoChicagoPhiladelphia
Study cohort:
 Eligible for mortality analysis29 993531315 1859495
 PYAR858 938154 317419 414285 207
 Years of follow-up; avg. (SD)29 (16)29 (16)28 (16)30 (16)
Race (%):
 White24 244 (80.8)4254 (80.1)11 736 (77.3)8254 (86.9)
 Other5008 (16.7)986 (18.6)2808 (18.5)1214 (12.8)
 Unknown741 (2.5)73 (1.4)641 (4.2)27 (<1.0)
Gender (%):
 Male29 002 (96.7)5009 (94.3)14 694 (96.8)9299 (97.9)
 Female991 (3.3)304 (5.7)491 (3.2)196 (2.1)
Vital status:
 Alive (%)17 965 (59.9)3239 (61.0)9241 (60.9)5485 (57.8)
 Deceased (%)12 028 (40.1)2074 (39.0)5944 (39.1)4010 (42.2)
 Unknown cause of death14499144
 Attained age*; avg. (SD)60 (16)62 (16)59 (16)61 (16)
 PYAR potentially LTFU (%)8809 (1.0)59 (<1.0)1483 (<1.0)7267 (2.5)
 Avg. hire year1968196719701965
 Age at hire; avg. (SD)29 (5)29 (5)29 (5)27 (5)
 Employment years; avg. (SD)21 (11)22 (11)21 (11)21 (11)
 Hired before 1950 (%)8085 (27)1682 (32)3294 (22)3109 (33)
 Employed <1 year (%)1328 (4.4)194 (3.7)891 (5.9)243 (2.6)
  • *Age attained at earliest of the date of death, date LTFU or 31 December 2009.

  • Avg., average; LTFU, lost to follow-up; PYAR, person-years at risk.