Table 3

Reported symptoms by scanner category*

Reporting of at least one symptom within the specified category (nobs(%))
Scanner categoryOverall nobsSMF target symptoms (%)SMF target—core symptoms (%)A priori unrelated symptoms (%)
1.5 T closed bore†25972(28)14(5)17(7)
3 T closed bore‡13146(35)12(9)3(2)
7 T closed bore§3112(39)9(29)0(0)
<1.5 T various types¶4913(27)2(4)7(14)
>4.7 T small bore**579(16)0(0)4(7)
  • *Scanner category was missing for 14 of the 633 observations, resulting in 619 valid observations. One shift can satisfy more than one scanner category; therefore, the sum of observations exceeds the total number of 619 observations. Results are based on an unbalanced study sampling design with repeated measures per subject.

  • †Includes all large-bore cylindrical systems of 1.5 Tesla.

  • ‡Includes all large-bore cylindrical systems of 3.0 Tesla.

  • §Includes all large-bore cylindrical systems of 7.0 Tesla.

  • ¶Includes extremity scanners, upright scanners and open (ie, transversal field) scanners up to 1.5 Tesla and large-bore cylindrical systems below 1.5 Tesla.

  • **Includes small-bore cylindrical animal scanners with field strengths between 4.7 and 11.7 Tesla.

  • Nobs, number of observations; SMF, static magnetic field; T, Tesla.