Table 2

Associations between job characteristics and well-being in GPs and specialists

GPsSpecialistsP for interaction†
B95% CIp ValueB95% CIp Value
Psychological distress (GHQ)
Job demands
 Total effect0.150.11 to 0.180.0000.04−0.03 to 0.100.2270.005
 Within individual effect0.190.12 to 0.260.0000.03−0.17 to 0.230.755
 p for difference*0.06
Job control
 Total effect−0.16−0.22 to −0.090.000−0.13−0.24 to −0.020.0190.65
 Within individual effect−0.08−0.24 to−0.29 to 0.420.71
 p for difference*0.480.07
 Total effect0.300.22 to 0.370.0000.14−0.02 to 0.290.0770.06
 Within individual effect0.250.10 to 0.390.0010.15−0.23 to 0.540.440
 p for difference*0.130.70
Sleeping problems
Job demands
 Total effect0.320.20 to 0.430.0000.310.12 to 0.510.0020.99
 Within individual effect0.260.09 to 0.430.0020.14−0.23 to 0.500.46
 p for difference*0.220.15
Job control
 Total effect−0.20−0.41 to 0.010.06−0.15−0.48 to 0.180.370.81
 Within individual effect−0.04−0.37 to 0.280.790.25−0.37 to 0.870.43
 p for difference*0.480.49
 Total effect0.660.44 to 0.880.0000.690.27 to 1.100.0010.91
 Within individual effect0.24−0.08 to 0.560.150.50−0.11 to 1.120.11
 p for difference*0.0000.71
  • Multilevel longitudinal models with four repeated measurements.

  • Number of person-observations=1028, Number of groups (individuals)=699.

  • *p for difference between total effect versus within-individual effect.

  • †p for interaction effect between GP and specialists.

  • GHQ, General Health Questionnaire; GP, general practitioner.