Table 1

Characteristics* of the occupational groups

CharacteristicsConstruction workersFloor- and bricklayersFarmersHealthcare assistantsOffice workers
N487 1564381217 055496 478912 228
Years of follow-up, mean (SD)8.5 (3.3)8.1 (3.6)9.1(3.0)9.2 (2.9)9.0 (3.2)
Female, %
Age, median (IQR)38 (27–52)39 (25–52)44 (32–59)39 (28–51)36 (25–51)
Low income, %21.125.718.421.420.3
Low education, %
Marital status: single, %37.536.429.238.735.5
Employed more than 80% of the year, %85.386.389.282.688.6
History of knee injury, %
  • * Characteristics at first year of follow-up, unless noted otherwise.

  • Low income was defined as the lowest 25% income of the Danish population.

  • Low education was defined as the highest completed education that is primary school.