Table 2

Summary of the 17 studies included in the meta-analysis

StudyCohortsNumber of exposed/controlsAge in years (exposed/controls)Duration of exposure (years)Assessment toolJob category
Abdel Rasoul et al, 2008161<15 years old30/3012.8/12.53.5WISCApplicators
215–18 years old20/2016.8/16.87.2WISCApplicators
Bazylewicz-Walczak et al, 19994326/2535.4/36.011.9NCTBGreenhouse workers
Cole et al, 199754Farmworkers28/2734.74/36.410.9NCTBFarmworkers
Daniel et al, 199266English speakers27/3533.7/29.89.4NESApplicators
7Spanish speakers22/530.2/34.04.4NESApplicators
Eckerman et al, 200717838/2814.3/12.7*BARSFarmworkers
Farahat et al, 20037952/5040.6/42.518.0WAISFarmworkers
Fiedler et al, 1997201057/4247.6/47.727.4NESApplicators
Gomes et al, 1998811226/226*5.0Individual testsFarmworkers
Kamel et al, 2003912288/5138.0/39.015.9BARSFarmworkers
Korsak and Sato, 197711316/1634.4/41.1*HRBFarmworkers
Maizlish et al, 1987221446/5329.0/56.00.1NESApplicators
Rodnitzky et al, 1975181523/2339.17/38.8*Individual testsApplicators
Rohlman et al, 20071216<18 years old13/1513.2/13.3*BARSFarmworkers
17≥18 years old120/4123.9/26.53BARSFarmworkers
Rohlman et al, 2001111869/2928.2/30.79.4BARSFarmworkers
Roldan-Tapia et al, 2005141940/2631.9/36.310.9NCTBApplicators
Rothlein et al, 2006132092/4529.7/27.8*BARSFarmworkers
Stephens et al, 19951921146/14346.8/40.5*Individual testsSheep farmers
  • Individual tests are separate non-computerised tests, for example, Trail Making A and B, Pursuit Aiming II, Santa Ana pegboard and Benton Visual Retention Tests.

  • * Data not available.

  • BARS, Behavioural Assessment and Research System; HRB, Halstead-Reitan Battery; NCTB, Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery; NES, Neurobehavioral Evaluation System; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.