Table 3

Predictors of FEV1 and KCO decline by GEES analysis

PredictorChange in FEV1 (ml/year)Change in KCO (mmol/min/kPa/l/year)
Mean95% CIMean95% CI
Increase in baseline FEV1 of 1 litre−15−7 to −230.9760.946 to 1.006
Female vs male gender−94−173 to 160.016−0.02 to 0.044
Increase by 1 year in baseline age−0.6−1 to 20.00009−0.0007 to 0.001
Increase in total cigarette smoke exposure of 1 pack-year−0.3−1 to 0.3−0.0003−0.0007 to 0.0002
High occupational risk vs zero occupational risk−45−152 to 61−0.043−0.001 to −0.085
Low occupational risk vs zero occupational risk−44−154 to 65−0.039−0.011 to 0.090
Increase of 1 μg/m3 in PM10 exposure−3−0.2 to −6−0.002−0.005 to 5×10−5
Increase of 1 μg/m3 in SO2 exposure−3−7 to 1−0.002−0.005 to 0.001
Increase of 1 μg/m3 in NO2 exposure−4−2 to 1−0.002−0.001 to 0.001
Increase of 1 mg/m3.h in ozone exposure0.001−0.017 to 0.003−0.008−0.015 to −0.001