Table 1

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (μg/m3) and total particles (mg/m3) measured above detection limits in the breathing zone of the cook during the pan frying of beefsteak using an electric stove or a gas stove using margarine or soya bean oil as the frying fat

Frying fatStoveNaphthalene (mean (SD)), μg/m3BaP (mean (SD)) μg/m3Phenanthrene, μg/m3Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, μg/m3Total particles (mean (SD)) mg/m3
MargarineElectric0.22 (0.10), n=30.06†1.8 (0.6), n=4
Gas0.27 (0.08), n=30.14* (0.09)5.5‡ (0.1), n=3
Soybean oilElectric0.15 (0.11), n=61.3†1.6 (0.5), n=3
Gas0.15 (0.09), n=50.05†7.2§ (1.7), n=3
  • The detection limit for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is 10 ng. The results are given as the arithmetic mean (SD) measured during 1 day of frying (one sample/day), each day including five repetitions of the standard frying procedure and five 25 min breaks. The number of samples (n) for each kind of stove and frying fat is listed.

  • * Above the detection limit in two samples.

  • Above the detection limit in one sample.

  • The level is statistically significantly (p<0.05) different from the level measured during frying with margarine on the electric stove.

  • § The level is statistically significantly (p<0.05) different from the level measured during frying with soybean oil on the electric stove.