Table 4 Association between incident work-related symptoms and specific antibody levels at baseline, and changes (delta) in levels of antibodies between visits
Lower respiratory symptomsRhinoconjunctivitis symptoms
YesNop ValueYesNop Value
(n = 13)(n = 285)(n = 19)(n = 279)
Levels of antibody at baseline (visit 1)*
IgGMedian0 (173)0 (148)0.190 (156)0 (149)0.61
IgG4Median0.149 (163)0.069 (149)0.550.126 (187)0.069 (147)0.04
IgEMedian0.30 (179)0.249 (148)0.20.23 (151)0.24 (149)0.9
Changes in levels of antibodies between visits†
Delta IgGMean (SD)−0.064 (0.12)0.013 (0.123)0.020.002 (0.126)0.01 (0.124)0.77
Delta IgG4Mean (SD)−0.003 (0.106)−0.001 (0.174)0.8−0.108 (0.2)−0.008 (0.168)0.01
Delta IgEMean (SD)0.120 (0.536)−0.001 (0.143)0.41−0.03 (0.066)0.006 (0.184)0.38
  • *Comparisons with Mann-Whitney test; †comparisons with Student t test.