Table 5

Prevalence of suicidal ideation by exposure categories of poisoned banana workers and adjusted ORs compared to never poisoned reference population of banana workers

NSuicidal ideationPrevalence %Adjusted OR*95% CI
Type of cholinesterase inhibitor
 All poisoned workers781620.53.581.45 to 8.84
 Organophosphate poisoned541222.23.721.41 to 9.81
 Carbamate poisoned24416.72.570.71 to 9.30
Number of poisonings with medical attention
 143818.62.650.90 to 7.84
 ≥235822.94.981.72 to 14.45
  • * All models adjusted for age, education, time of day of examination and head injury.

  • χ2 Trend for number of poisonings: p=0.01.