Table 2 Mortality among the Great Britain Asbestos Survey workers (1971–2001)
Cause of deathObserved no of deathsStandardised mortality ratio(95% CI)Proportional mortality ratio(95% CI)
All causes15496141 (139 to 143)
All malignant neoplasms5529163 (159 to 167)113 (111 to 116)
    MN of lip, oral74106 (83 to 133)73 (58 to 92)
    cavity and pharynx
    MN of oesophagus220116 (101 to 132)83 (73 to 95)
    MN of stomach322166 (149 to 186)114 (102 to 127)
    MN of colon297128 (114 to 144)90 (80 to 100)
    MN of rectum183151 (130 to 174)100 (86 to 115)
    MN of liver83137 (109 to 170)101 (81 to 125)
    MN of larynx49148 (109 to 195)101 (76 to 134)
    MN of lung1882187 (179 to 196)129 (123 to 134)
    MN of peritoneum853730 (2979 to 4612)2246 (1941 to 2599)
    MN of pleura137968 (817 to 1139)568 (492 to 656)
    Mesothelioma*160513 (435 to 601)489 (424 to 564)
    MN of breast52112 (66 to 180)58 (45 to 75)
    MN of ovary17112 (66 to 180)68 (43 to 108)
    MN of kidney114153 (126 to 183)101 (84 to 122)
    MN of bladder155145 (123 to 170)103 (84 to 122)
    MN of lymphatic298102 (90 to 114)74 (66 to 82)
    and haematopoietic
Circulatory disease6170141 (138 to 145)97 (96 to 99)
    Ischaemic heart4183140 (136 to 144)95 (93 to 97)
    Cerebrovascular1049164 (154 to 174)115 (109 to 122)
Respiratory disease1561162 (154 to 170)118 (113 to 124)
    Asbestosis1195594 (4634 to 6694)3944 (3541 to 4393)
  • *ICD-10 mesothelioma (deaths 2001–2005).

  • MN, malignant neoplasm.