Table 2 Overview of variables used as fixed effects in statistical modelling
VariableTypeDefinitionUsed in multivariate models*
Loge(Y)Dependent variableLoge transformation of individual measurements of inhalable dust (mg/m3) or CSF (μg/m3)X
CountryCategoricalCountry where survey was performed (Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden or the NetherlandsX
Survey purposePurpose of sampling survey
Sample type Personal, stationary or source-oriented measurementX
Sample strategyRepresentative or worst-case sampling
DepartmentDepartment (BRMA coding) where measurement was done
GroupsGrouped departmentsX
High-exposureDummyA priori defined high exposure processes in a departmentX
Industrial sectorProduction of tyres or general rubber goods
BRMA/HSEMeasurement collected by BRMA or HSE (UK only)X†
4–8 h TWA8 h time weighted average measurement
<4 h TWA4 h time weighted average measurement
Dust fractionInhalable or respirable dust measurementX
General trendContinuousOne trend in time for occupational exposure in all departments and country
Nested trendDistinct time trends for group of departments per countryX
  • *All variables included in the multivariate models (marked “X”) as interaction terms with aggregated department groups (see online supplemental material for details of codes).

  • †Added as a main effect in the “inhalable dust” model.

  • CSF, cyclohexane soluble fraction; TWA, time weighted average.