Table 1 Associations between the predictors and sensitisation to laboratory animal allergens from multivariable regression modelling
Total (n = 314)Not sensitised (n = 265)Sensitised (n = 49)OR (95% CI)
Age mean (SD) years19.5 (9.4)19.6 (3.1)19.1 (2.7)1.0 (0.9 to 1.1)
Male gender43 (13.7)43 (16.2)0 (0.0)
Smoker38 (12.1)31 (11.7)7 (14.3)1.3 (0.5 to 3.0)
Symptoms indicative of asthma*139 (44.3)106 (40.0)33 (67.3)3.1 (1.6 to 5.9) **
Symptoms indicative of COPD†30 (9.6)25 (9.4)5 (10.2)1.1 (0.4 to 3.0)
Allergic symptoms‡140 (44.6)102 (38.5)38 (77.6)5.5 (2.7 to 11.3) **
Skin symptoms¶60 (19.1)48 (18.1)12 (24.5)1.5 (0.7 to 3.1) **
Respiratory symptoms at work§35 (11.1)22 (8.3)13 (26.5)4.0 (1.9 to 8.6) **
Positive SPT to common allergens††119 (37.9)85 (32.1)34 (69.4)4.8 (2.5 to 9.3) **
Measurable PC20 (⩽32 mg/ml)106 (33.8)74 (27.9)32 (65.3)4.9 (2.5 to 9.3) **
  • Data presented as n (%) unless otherwise stated.

  • *Present if experienced at least one of the following: wheezing or whistling in the last 12 months; had an attack of shortness of breath in the last 12 months; asthma confirmed by physician; and/or start to cough induced by exercise, strenuous work, cold air, heavy smell, smoke or dust.

  • †Present if experienced at least one of the following: sometimes wake with a feeling of tightness in your chest first thing in the morning; awaken by cough at night in the last few months; bring up phlegm from chest first thing in the morning for at least 3 months each year; and/or had chronic bronchitis confirmed by doctor.

  • ‡Present if experienced at least one of the following: develop eye or nasal or respiratory or skin symptoms when exposed to common allergen such as dust mite, animal hair or pollen; have an itchy runny nose or sneezing even when do not have a cold; and/or ever had “hay fever”.

  • ¶Present if experienced urticaria and/or eczema

  • §Present if experienced at least one of the following symptoms at work: get itchy, red and/or watery eyes; get runny or stuffy nose or sneezing; get itchy, redness or rash on your skin; feel shortness of breath; start to cough; and/or start to wheeze.

  • ††Defined as two positive skin reactions to a set of 11 common inhalants.

  • **Univariable p value<0.50.

  • 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; OR, odds ratio; PC20; level of the methacholine concentration that caused a decrease in FEV1 of 20%; SPT, skin-prick test.