Table 5 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) size specific job-exposure matrix (JEM) example estimated TEM concentrations of long and thin fibres UJC-A (general area personnel) in 1965 by exposure zone
Exposure zonePlant department associated with exposure zoneMean PCM exposure (fibres >5 μm/cm3)PCM adjustment factorMean TEM exposure (fibres <0.25 μm in diameter and >5 μm in length/cm3)
3Ring spinning8.21.3110.74
4Mule spinning6.31.338.38
5Foster winding4.21.325.54
7Universal winding4.11.134.63
8Heavy weaving2.61.343.48
9Light weaving2.71.694.56
10Finishing operations0.22.150.43