Table 1 Descriptive statistics for health outcomes, meteorology and urban background pollutants in Copenhagen over 1327 study days (15 May 2001 to 31 December 2004)
Days (n)Mean (SD)PercentilesIQR*
Health outcome
    CVD admissions (⩾65 years)132759 (24)35657710342
    RD admissions (⩾65 years)132722 (9)1622284412
    Asthma admissions (5–18 years)13273 (2)13493
    Temperature (°C)128410 (7)510162311
    Relative humidity (%)128473 (10)6674829316
Number concentration (particles/cm3)
    NC†tot5788116 (3502)573873589645198953907
    NCa12578493 (315)3084636501463342
    NCa235782253 (1364)12802057306660961786
    NCa575785104 (2687)324845626274144103026
    NC1005786847 (2864)495962438218161893259
    NCa212578392 (441)892465842248495
Mass concentration (µg/m3)
    PM10116924 (14)1621297213
    PM2.545310 (5)7912285
Gases (ppb)
    CO1230290 (100)220260340610120
    NO2124511 (5)81114286
    NOx124515 (8)91218469
    O349324 (10)1824304812
    NOxKerbside§128683 (36)587610320745
  • *IQR, interquartile range, difference between 75th and 25th percentile.

  • †NC, number concentration; tot, total (all particles 6–700 nm in diameter); a12, size mode with mean diameter of 12 nm; a23, size mode with median diameter of 23 nm; a57, size mode with median diameter of 57 nm; a212, size mode with median diameter of 212 nm.

  • ‡NC100 = a12+a23+0.797*a57+0.084*a212.

  • §NOxKerbside, NOx levels measured at kerbside monitor.