Exposure estimation method | Temporal averaging | Spatial averaging |
Personal measurements | 48 h | Integrated sample over all locations for the subject when the sample was collected |
LUR: home | Monthly*, annual | Average for subjects’ home postal code location based on LUR (has about a 50 m spatial resolution) |
LUR: home+work | Monthly, annual | Time-weighted average of home and work postal code locations based on LUR (has about a 50 m spatial resolution) |
Ambient monitors (nearest monitor) | Monthly, 48 h† | Distance to nearest monitoring stations (about 10 km on average) |
Ambient monitors (inverse distance weighting) | Monthly, 48 h† | Average of 3 nearest monitoring stations, weighted by distance – gives a spatial resolution that varies with monitor density |
*No monthly averaging for absorbance; †ambient 48 h results not shown; described as sensitivity analysis in the Discussion.
LUR, land-use regression.