Table 2

 Occupations of mothers exposed to organic solvents during the first trimester of pregnancy

OccupationExposures % (n total–n with medium or high level)
Oxygenated solventsChlorinated solventsPetroleum solvents
Aliphatic alcoholsGlycol ethersAldehydes esters, ketones (aliphatic)At least one type*
(n = 136)(n = 96)(n = 130)(n = 157)(n = 20)(n = 30)
*At least one type of oxygenated solvent.
n, number.
Note: 21.3% of women exposed to aliphatic alcohols were cleaning workers, which constituted a group of 29 women among which 9 women were exposed with a medium–high level.
Physician, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist10.3 (14–5)010.8 (14–0)8.900
Nurse, nursing aids19.1 (26–22)4.2 (4–0)20.0 (26–0)16.600
Engineer, laboratory technician4.4 (6–3)5.2 (5–2)6.9 (9–0)7.010.0 (2–1)16.7 (5–0)
Teacher2.9 (4–1)5.2 (5–1)5.4 (7–0)5.103.3 (1–0)
Book editor000.8 (1–0)0.600
Office worker, secretary4.4 (6–4)2.1 (2–0)2.3 (3–0)4.510.0 (2–0)10.0 (3–1)
Cashier4.4 (6–0)6.3 (6–0)0.8 (1–0)3.85.0 (1–0)6.7 (2–0)
Sales worker10.3 (14–0)15.6 (15–1)6.9 (9–0)9.65.0 (1–0)13.3 (4–1)
Cleaning worker21.3 (29–9)29.2 (28–4)22.3 (29–0)18.500
Childcare worker3.7 (5–0)5.2 (5–0)03.200
Hairdresser, beautician5.9 (8–8)8.3 (8–5)6.2 (8–0)5.120.0 (4–4)13.3 (4–1)
Waiter, cook5.9 (8–0)8.3 (8–0)6.2 (8–0)5.100
Other service worker1.5 (2–1)2.1 (2–0)0.8 (1–0)1.303.3 (1–1)
Industrial worker2.2 (3–2)3.1 (3–0)5.4 (7–0)5.135.0 (7–3)20.0 (6–4)
Packaging worker3.7 (5–2)5.2 (5–1)3.1 (4–0)3.815.0 (3–2)13.3 (4–2)
Agricultural worker002,3 (3–0)1.900