Table 1

 Characteristics of participants by intervention group

Ergonomic training onlyErgonomic training and trackballErgonomic training + armboardErgonomic training + trackball + armboardp Value*
n = 46n = 45n = 46n = 45
Mean (SD) or %Mean (SD) or %Mean (SD) or %Mean (SD) or %
2 for categorical measures, ANOVA for continuous measures, and Bartlett’s test for equal variances for psychosocial variables.
†Pain score scale from 0 = no pain to 10 = unbearable pain.
    Gender: female94%98%100%89%0.08
    Age (years)40.0 (11.6)40.5 (12.4)38.9 (12.1)40.7 (12.2)0.89
    Body mass index27.6 (6.20)28.2 (6.62)29.9 (7.69)30.1 (8.95)0.30
    Right handed89%96%89%96%0.45
    Right handed mouse use100%96%96%100%0.25
    Educational level0.07
        High school20%27%20%36%
        Some college33%40%57%40%
        Completed college48%33%24%24%
        African American13%18%30%22%
        Asian or Pacific Islander26%16%13%16%
        Native American0%0%4%0%
Medical history
    Systemic comorbidity24%31%20%20%0.54
    Regional disorders65%76%57%62%0.28
    Low pack pain43%47%46%36%0.71
    Lost work days in past year0.36 (0.96)2.99 (13.7)4.22 (16.5)0.58 (1.25)0.25
    Previous surgery in upper body11%18%9%9%0.49
    Pain medication59%36%46%58%0.09
    Antidepressant medication9%9%17%4%0.21
    Current smoker11%16%9%22%0.26
    Weekly exercise63%58%46%64%0.25
    Hand intensive recreational activity (hours/week)12.8 (8.94)16.7 (11.2)15.2 (16.4)16.1 (13.5)0.47
    Aerobic activity (hours/week)0.25 (0.92)0.22 (1.06)0.37 (1.34)0.43 (1.70)0.85
Pre-intervention upper body pain scores†
    Neck/shoulder pain2.1 (2.2)2.9 (2.8)2.6 (2.8)2.0 (2.4)0.28
    Right upper extremity pain2.0 (2.4)2.1 (2.6)2.7 (3.1)2.4 (2.8)0.52
    Left upper extremity pain1.4 (2.2)1.6 (2.3)1.9 (2.8)1.0 (1.9)0.28
    Neck/shoulder pain >57%22%13%11%0.16
    Right upper extremity pain >513%16%24%16%0.53
    Left upper extremity pain >511%11%11%4%0.64
Mean post-intervention upper body pain scores
    Neck/shoulder pain1.8 (1.9)2.2 (2.2)1.8 (2.1)1.1 (1.3)
    Right upper extremity pain1.9 (2.1)1.9 (1.8)1.7 (2.2)1.3 (1.8)
    Left upper extremity pain1.4 (1.8)1.0 (1.3)1.3 (2.1)0.8 (1.6)
Workplace factors
    Worksite A83%82%83%84%0.99
    Job title: registered nurse54%42%41%42%0.54
    Seniority (months)20.6 (13.6)23.2 (13.3)21.9 (14.0)23.9 (12.9)0.65
    Typing speed (words/minute)45.7 (11.6)47.0 (15.7)44.9 (11.1)46.3 (14.8)0.90
    Work hours per week33.0 (5.51)32.6 (6.86)33.7 (6.34)33.9 (5.74)0.76
    Computer use (hours/week)31.5 (5.48)31.7 (6.81)32.2 (7.13)31.9 (5.71)0.96
    Total break (minutes/day)53.7 (16.3)41.7 (23.2)47.7 (23.3)48.7 (21.0)0.06
    Iso-strain0.40 (0.10)0.41 (0.09)0.41 (0.09)0.41 (0.10)0.82
    Composite Psychological Strain−0.06 (0.96)−0.04 (0.88)0.19 (1.18)0.10 (0.96)0.51